Sunday, April 26, 2009

who died and made you king of the zombies?

Since 2007, SUNY Purchase has annually celebrated the mystery of death and the even greater mystery of un-death with our very own ZOMBIE PROM. Dancing, mayhem, the feasting of brains, and a ton of fake blood--who short of Michael Jackson would dream this up?

A: Art school kids.

1. Me & Kelley 2. Jake 3. Boy-Sam (all from 2008). Photos by Alan.

If you enjoy getting drunk and playing dress up, which any post in this blog should tell you I do, then zombie prom is a great time. I've never been able to give it the proper documentation it deserves, but this year they set up a green screen for pictures. Huzzah! Braaaaaaaainnnnns.

And people wonder why I'm gonna miss this school.

Fela Kuti - Zombie!

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